OneStepCheckout website makeover

Hi Everyone

Welcome back to our blog!

At OneStepCheckout, we are very excited about the makeover of our website. This first version was built in 2009 when the company was founded and had not changed much in more than half a decade!

Here is the new version, which not only looks more modern and appealing to the eye but is also easier for our visitors to navigate and find what they want and order our Magento checkout extension, even on mobile devices, even with fat fingers 😉

Our new visual identity will also apply to our advertising material. Consistency is key to create strong branding. We want to translate our outstanding reputation acquired through hard work over the last 6 years into visual cues that you and the rest of the Magento ecosystem can recognize at a glance. Don’t be shy and let us know what you think.

In terms of content, we’ve added is a bit more about our company. In the digital space, it is harder to connect with the people who are behind the screen. That’s why we are opening up and are sharing with you who is the team behind OneStepCheckout, our success story and show what we look like. Ja, we are Norwegian like the famous a-ha band singing “Take on me”, Voss water you might have drunk at fancy hotels and restaurants but maybe not as funny and criminal as those guys in Lillehammer Netflix original series.

We are proud to share the same Viking blood as HĂ„kon Wium Lie, the greatest man in history who first introduced CSS on 10 October 1994!

As for our personality, it will come out quite clearly through the various interactions we’ll have through our social media channels. Hope you like puns.

Don’t miss a thing and follow us the way you like it on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

Thien-Lan WeberAbout Thien-Lan Weber

Thien-Lan is the Chief Marketing Officer at OneStepCheckout. She's a Marketing expert with 20 years experience across Europe and Asia Pacific including Accenture, Clarins, Johnson & Johnson, eBay and PayPal.

Thien-Lan loves connecting people and helping retailers get the most out of eCommerce. As such, she recently joined the board of ExtDN (Extension Developer Network).

She grew up in Paris, holds a Master of Science in Management from HEC Paris and is back to France after 16 years living in different parts of the worlds, the latest destination being Oslo where she joined OneStepCheckout.