Author: OneStepCheckout

OneStepCheckout version 4.5 released

OneStepCheckout v.4.5

We are happy to inform you that we have just released OneStepCheckout version 4.5 which introduces some big new features as well as general improvements of our product. This version is already available for all existing customers with access to updates. Read more »

OneStepCheckout not affected by latest Magento security patches

We would like to inform all old and new customers that our product OneStepCheckout is not affected by any of the latest security patches provided by Magento. You can apply the patches without having to consider OneStepCheckout being affected by them.

OneStepCheckout is compatible with Magecredit

We’ve got great news for existing OneStepCheckout users and merchants considering trying out One Step Checkout for their Magento store: OneStepCheckout is now fully compatible and supported by Magecredit. Magecredit is a store credit extension for your Magento store. That means that you can now offer your customers store credit even if you’re using Magento… Read more »

New Responsive Demo

Today we have launched our new responsive demo site! You can see it live on The new demo features a screen size chooser, so you can actually click through the various sizes and it will automatically adjust the viewport to let you experience the checkout on a smaller device. We use the new default… Read more »

Responsive version of OneStepCheckout

We are happy to announce that OneStepCheckout from version 4.1.0 released two weeks ago is fully responsive, and works great in all devices (smartphones, tablets, desktops). Existing customers can simply download and upgrade to see the new benefits. Please see more details about how to activate the responsive features in our wiki. Also please keep… Read more »

We wish you a peaceful christmas and a prosperous new year full of ecommerce!

This year we have donated $1500 to Wikipedia, Free Software Foundation and Electronic Frontier Foundation. I addition we continue our involvment with KIVA, prividing micro loans to unique entrepreneurs around the globe, now counting 150 loans. Donations The WikiMedia foundation is responsible for running the top-ten internet property Wikipedia, as well as many other useful… Read more »

New features in version 4

We are proud to announce the release of OneStepCheckout version 4! The past couple of months have been spent on crunching out new features, and we have also spent a lot of resources into refactoring the existing code to make it more extendible and maintanable. We think the resulting product is great, and is eager… Read more »

OneStepCheckout version 4

OneStepCheckout is a checkout extension for the Magento ecommerce platform that has taken the community with storm. We launched the first version in fall 2009, and currently have over 5000 installations of OneStepCheckout in all possible Magento versions, everything from old Magento Community versions to brand fresh Magento Professional and Magento Enterprise 1.11 installs. OneStepCheckout… Read more »

New promo video

We have created a new promo video that we wanted to show you: